Today we also said our good-byes to Tiny Ted who is moving on to America to join another class of children who will hopefully enjoy his company as much as we do. Jessica took a couple of sad looking photos but I thought you would enjoy this one more as we tried to cheer ourselves up!

We are sending with him a CD ROM of photos and a little movie showing some of Tiny Ted's adventures while in New Zealand. Leaving home is always a bit of a risk and we hope to see and hear back from Tiny Ted and his adventures in America before too long. Good luck Tiny Ted.
Hi Guys - you have us here in Wales feeling a bit emotional as well - it wasn't as difficult for us to send him on to you as he had only been with us for a short time. I guess you have become quite attached to the little guy!!!!We loved the cheer up photograph as well : )
Class 3H and all of the rest of Wales
We are Room 3 from Bradford School in Dunedin. We are Year 1 and 2 children. We are thinking about starting up our own blog. We have been looking at your blog and we think it's great! We especially like the photos.
We hope you are not missing tiny ted too much!
see you later,
Love Room 3 and Miss Little
Hello, I am Mrs. Sullivan From Binghamton NY in the USA. We all enjoyed talking with your teacher yesterday and can't wait hear all of your voices as well. I am packing up for the weekend and heading home. It is Saturday morning already where you are. I look forward to getting to know you all.
I don't want him to go:(
I must admit that I am quite sad to see him go as well. He was such a happy little fella! Sheryl, the lady from America will be very careful with him and show him all around. She will send us the photos so we will know how he is getting on. He is in Wellington at the moment.
Miss K
Thats good and at lest he's going to a good place
Do not leve us Tiny ted i will miss you.
I am afraid he has already gone. Never mind we will see some photos of him soon when he gets to America. That will be fun.
I will miss tiny ted I was going to have cheese cake and give some to tiny ted
We will have a party when our blog get to 5000 hits. You can tell how many times a blog has been seen by looking at the number at the bottom of all the blog posts.
Miss K
Tiny Ted cried a bit when he left New Zealand, but after eating some ice cream seemed to be doing much better. He is now beginning to enjoy his new adventures in America. I plan to introduce him to my preservice teachers in Williamsburg, VA. Please get a map and find Colonial Williamsburg and see if you can learn a little about this historical place.
Here are some pics of Tiny Ted as he leaves Auckland and arrives in Virginia.
21st Century Collaborative
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