In Susa's holiday she went gliding. She is here to take to us through what she did.

In my holidays I went gliding. It was so fun. I went up in a glider. A glider is a non- powered plane that glides around.

By Susa
Susa gave a wonderfully detailed oral explantion and description of her adventures up high. It was a pity that I wasn't recording her. It was so good. Well done, Susa.Miss K
That sounds like great fun - well done Susa.
From Mr H and Class 3H
Did you have a great trip
How high did you go, and how long did it glide for.
Way to go Oscar. You made a comment on the blog. Well done.
The boat display at assembly was awesome and your boat started the whole idea.
Great stuff.
Miss K
that looks like lots of fun susa i wish I could do that some day
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