On Thursday we made another connection with a class in Nevada, USA. This time it wasn't a class of children, it was a class of teachers- learning all about how to make connections across the world. We sung our National Anthem for them and they asked us questions about our school and the things we like to do. This photo is of us- how we looked from their end of the connection.

After we had had a bit of a chat I took the laptop outside for a bit of a tour. The teachers loved our playground and our trees to play in.

It was an excellent connection. Their teacher,
Brian, was the teacher who introduced us to our phones. We like using our
phones when we read.
It was so cool learning about your school.
I wish my students could go swimming everyday!
Greetings from Nevada - I am one of the teachers that was in the class from last week. I just wanted to let you know that it was a pleasure talking to you all and seeing your beautiful playground and trees. I visited New Zeland in 2004 and seeing it again inspired me to return. Enjoy your school year and have fun meeting others around the world.
I am a teacher who was in the class last week. It was fun meeting all of you and seeing what your school is like. It is exciting to think that we were visiting with you but it was our tomorrow. It is very exciting to know that you are blogging because just imagine what we will all be doing in the future if we can do this now!
As one of the Nevada teachers who was lucky enough to visit with all of you last week, I would like to say thank you for your time. What a nice group of children. I thought of you several times during the week and I want you to know that it really was a thrill for me to 'visit' you in your world. Your teacher is a lucky person, to have such wonderful students. And, your playground is so very beautiful. Have a wonderful winter. I know that my students and I are ready to have spring and summer. Thank you again for your time and letting us into your world.
Thank you so much for teaching us about Skype and New Zealand! It was so nice to get to meet you all and see what an amazing school you have! ~Miss K.
I am Karel, a retired teacher from Reno, Nevada in Mr. Crosby's class.
Wanted to thank you for sharing a part of your day last week. It was great to see and listen to you all.
I visited your country 5 years ago and loved it. We went sailing with friends and spent some time at the glaciers on the southern end of your country. It was breathtaking.
Have a Happy Easter and rest of your Year 4!!!
Hello! I am Sharyn Turnbull, a teacher in Brian's class.
I really enjoyed seeing what your school looked like and meeting your whole class. The play area is beautiful! I bet you are all good swimmers. Listening to you speak English was a new experience. It sounded to me like you had an accent; however, we probably sound like we do.
I am looking forward to learning more about you and your country.
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