Today we played netball games like Octopus and Dots.

We had lots of fun at these wicked games.

We raced each other. We had to skip five times with a skipping rope, go over the ladder and hurdles and shoot two goals.

The Dots game is when you turn over a dot to a flat side or a bumpy side.
That was real fun.
Zoe G
I really enjoyed that
We are interested in finding out how to play the Dots game. Do you have teams in it? What are the rules? It looks fun! We like how it uses lots of dots - where do you get them from? How do you move around the dots? Are you allowed to stand on the dots?
Thanks for answering our questions.
Room 3 Springston School
that was amazing.i wish we did it evrey year. keeley
Hi this is Zoe and Daniel with Dots you have two team. You can stand on the dots. We do not know where you get the Dots from. You have boundaries that you have to stay in. The rules are you have to get one dot at a time and turn it over and two people count the amount of dots and the team that had the mast amount wins.
That looks like heaps of fun perhaps you can teach me one day.
That realy looks like alot of fun guys.Wish I could run around all day like you lot.
From Paul, Jacks dad.
Well done, Paul.
And well done Jack for helping Dad add a comment.
That looked like the children had alot of fun and really enjoyed doing it. Steph (Santana'S Mum)
Hey i like what its cool hope to wright you back by.
I like to have fun and play games . If i was there i would really enjoy it. From Jocelyn ._id=65078&blogger_id=304962http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?user
Hi name is staphon and i have a question how many kids do you have in school and that does seem like really fun.
Hi my name is staphon and I have a question how many kids to you have in your class and you guys seem like your guys are having really fun.
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