Here is a very old camera. It is popped out right now but there is a other picture of this camera in another photo and more information.

The is a very old camera camera at least 92 years old.

Here is a Box Brownie camera about 70 years old so it is a bit younger than the last camera.

So here is a before and after photo.

This is an old milk jug out of an old tea set. It is at least 70 - 80 years old. My mother got given it by her mother and it has been in the family like that for ages.

This is another jug out of the tea set. I don't know what it would have been used for.

Here is a picture of my great grandad's truck on his way to Rai Valley. He used carry logs and timber on the truck.
The before and after photo was interesting. The cameras don't look too different from the outside but their insides would be hugely different.
Allanah K
The pictures of the cameras are interesting. They are similar by looking at them, however the older version operated differently from the one we use today. I love the pictures of the tea pot and the milk pot. We have really advanced from 80 years ago!!
LaChandra Lett
University of South Alabama
Dr. Stranges' TT4 class
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