On Monday we went to the Rocky Shore in Mapua and Ruby Bay. We went for a walk to Grossi Point and Allanah asked us some questions about the rocky shore and we had a good look around.

Then we had morning tea on the wharf. Nobody was allowed five planks away from the edge because Allanah was scared that we were going to fall in.

After we had walked along Grossi Point we went to the aquarium to look at the sea animals and learn about the sea and other stuff.

We loved looking at the stingray coming up.

The tide was a long way out when we got to the Rocky Shore.

The first thing that we did when we got to the rocky shore was have our lunch.

Can you see what Tarn has got in his viewer?

It really was a stunning day.

We found lots of interesting creatures living between the tides.

We all worked together to carefully lift rocks so we didn't disturb the creatures too much.

We did population counts of the creatures we found at low tide, mid tide and high tide. When we got back to school we made a spreadsheet of our results in Google Docs. We could all edit it at the same time. WOW!

Richard told us an interesting story of what the Maori used this creature for.

Richard tells the story in this video.
Then we played
Survivors of the Rocky Shore. That is an excellent resource that Richard had made himself. We will be able to play it back at school.

Thanks everybody for a great day out.
Hi everybody had a great day, beautiful weather for them all. Wonderful all round
Wow sounds like you had a awesome day!
We went to a beach that looked alot like your beach!
You guys must have had a great time because it sure looked like you did in the photos. We went to a beach as well for our topic. We went to Eastern beach and found alot of half crabs!
Hi my name is Viola:D
We went to the beach too.
We found the same crab as you.
You must have really enjoyed your trip.
Two boys in our class found the same fish on our trip.
We also saw lots of Half Crabs.
That video clip about it was a really interesting fact. What beach where you guys on or rocky shore
The video was nice and what did you learn on your trip.
In Eastern beach we found the same fish as yours.
Hi I think that was a interesting because we also found two fishes like that at the trip we went to, and we found alot of half crabs.
Hi my name is Loretta,
great picture i really like the sea urchin have you ever tasted one of them? There really nice but you only eat the yellow parts.
Hi I really liked your blog because the photos really stood out and there were similar things at your beach to ours.
feel free to comment on Saylors blog.
Hi everybody I really like sea urchin and your pics.
Hi Moturua School I really like the pictures that you all took.
When we went to the beach we were studing about Rocky Shore we saw the same fishes that you have and you have a really great blog. You all had fun at the beach.
Hope you comment on my blog.
I like how you have a vdeo it hulped me see what your beach looks like. Geeet job it looked like fun.Here is my blog site please comment.
I like those crabs which type of crabs did you find there?
Hi my name is Mapili.
We went to a rocky sore on Monday to and we found a lot of interesting Sea creatures and the most exiting thing we found was baby Jellyfish and two baby fishes.
Hi my name is Mapili.
We went to a rocky sore on Monday to and we found a lot of interesting Sea creatures and the most exiting thing we found was baby Jellyfish and two baby fishes.
Do you know what that fish is called?
Hi use have a amazing trip thier.Do use know whatthat fish is called.
I like the video you made. And the crab you find.I hope you visit my blog.
Hi guys it good to see your blog page.You and the class went to Rocky Shore it was very good to see all the things was on the beach.
Hi my name is Sam and I like your class photos at rocky shore's trip.
Hi I really like your blog because your photos are really cool. It is really interesting because it kind of looks like star and really like your big fish that why I like blog.
Hi my name is Shawn and I am from Mr.Wood's class and I really like Your blog posts. How was your trip to the rocky shores trip. Please feel free to comment on my blog at:
Hi my name is Sam and I like your class photos at rocky shore's trip.
Wow, that looked fun! What was the best part?
Laura and Tessa
Which Rocky Shore was it.
Hi my name is Shania.You've got cool pitures of you guys at the beach.The only beach i've been to is the Raglan beach.I've never been to a aquarium
Hi my name is Shania.You've got cool pitures of you guys at the beach.The only beach i've been to is the Raglan beach.I've never been to a aquarium
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