Leave a comment in the comments box below saying what you think it is and how you think it is made.
I will not publish the comments until Monday when I will have our local marine educator, Richard, judge which answers are the best or closest to being correct. The winners will receive a CHOCOLATE FISH!
Individual entries only though because I can't afford whole bags of chocolate fish.
Entries are welcome also from our rocky shore wiki buddies and other children at Appleby School.
Great jigsaw! I love Jigsaw Planet. I think I need more practice though as it took me 11 minutes to solve :-(
Well that took me a while but I finished it but know I have wondered what it was but my guess would have to be...A Sea Sponge!!!! that's what I think and I hope it's right.
it's ben from the room 7 super scoopers i completed the jigsaw in 8 minutes and fifty three seconds i think it is some sort of sea sponge and it's come off a piece of coral below the surface and the tide has washed it up on to the rocky shore.
I'm Riley from super 7 scoopers with an answer, The picture is a sea sponge and it is made by larva and
I hope my answer is right:)
i think it is a sea sponge and is formed by larvae and thee baby's are called sissiles.
Hello my name is Caitlin K and I am from St Clair school in Dunedin. I put together the jigsaw and would like to enter the compertion. Is the picture of a piece of sea sponge?
It is a turtle I did it in 5 mins
I think it's a shell or rock covered in feeding tubes left by tube worms.
Cool jigsaw, what picture
does the whole jigsaw make?
I think it's dead coral on the rocky shore.
You made it by going to jigsaw planet web site.created the puzzle by:
1. choose file.
2. select picture using browser.
3. click create
4. wait till it's loaded.
5. click SAVE.
6. then it's ready to play
zoe s [ appleby ]
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