On Sunday we went to the ANZAC Dawn Parade to remember soldiers who have died or been wounded in all wars.

We saw Harriet and Angus. The soldiers did a gun salute, some people did speeches about ANZAC Day, they laid wreaths and poppies around the memorial, they played the Last Post on the bugle, we sung the National Anthem.

People took poppies and wreaths to put on the memorial. Four people were dressed like soldiers. They were real soldiers.

We had one poppy each except for Jack who had six and Keegan had two. We thought it was a memorable experience for us. Thank you for taking us Allanah.
Hi Keegan, Aunty Rach here
Your clss should be really proud of your blog. If it is okay with your class I would like to share it with my class to inspire them to create something similar. Could you ask your class how they feel about this?
Great to see you attended the ANZAC dawn parade this year. Cam and I took Kaitlyn, Shaye and Kara too. Next year they want to march in the parade and wear their Great Grandads medals.
Keep up the great work Moturoa! I am looking foward to reading your blog again soon.
Hi Keegan, Aunty Rach here.
My year 5/6 class at Pukekohe East have been learning about the ANZAC's too. Like you, I went to the dawn parade on Sunday with Cam and the girls. Next year they are hoping to march in the parade wearing thier Great Grandad's medals.
Your class should be very proud of your blog - it is inspiring! I hope my class will create their own blog this term.
I am looking foward to visiting your blog up again soon. Keep up the good work Moturoa!
That looks cool to see a gun that someone hold it. I wish I was there.
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