Monday, July 30, 2007


Seeing we are learning about the times tables this Moon Maths game you can play to practise your skills.

Bellaire Primary School in Geelong, Australia

LinkChildren from Bellaire School in Geelong, Australia have been commenting on our blog particularly Tristan, Zara (who likes monkeys), Ramona (who likes tennis) and Leo (who loves hockey) and Jess (who likes basketball). Look at Zach's animation comments.

They would like you to read their blogs and comment on them as well. That would be fun but they have an extra trick up their sleeves.

To be able to comment on their blogs you have to be able to answer a challenge question. It might be a maths sum or....

What is the Bellaire Primary School Motto? Aim High

What is the colour of the Bellaire school cap? Green and white

Their school also does a podcast- you may like to listen and comment on their podcasting.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Our Plays

Hi Miss K. I hope your mum is getting better. The class says hi too. Because we didn't get to do the play you said we could do we got to do new plays and Jenny made up one about the science fair projects to share at assembly.
Dino stars in it as Professor Know it All! .P.S. It is our assembly this week and we are going to do a dance and a few other things.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Science fair

We are preparing for the science fair! Last week we did a group experiment to test stain removers. Here is a picture of our display. Yesterday we did a really fun experiment to see which lolly made the best dye!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Zach's Animation

Zach and some friends from the Waimea South ICT cluster made some animations and here is Zach's one.

Zach made this animation to help people know what to do inLink an emergency- he made it using Quicktime Pro. To make it you take all your photos and then go FILE- Open Image Sequence- find the first photo of your animation, choose how many frames per second you want and Quicktime will do the rest. How cool is that!

We used Audacity to record Zach’s narration. Then Miss K put them both together in iMovie.

To see the podcast click on the photo of the burning building!

Ten Thousand Moturoa Blog Hits

We thought that we might reach ten thousand blog hits very soon and look now we have done that. What an achievement in less that twelve months. It is a milestone really.

Our blog is a wonderful way to share our lives, reach out to the world, make new friends across the globe and become better writers and photographers. Thank you to all those who have joined us and become part of those 10,000 hits.

Moturoa had a party to celebrate at the end of last term so can't have another one just yet. I wonder what our next hit target will be???

Miss K

Cuddly Kiwi's End of Year Video

It was MatthewB's birthday party a little while ago and Cuddly Kiwi got to go to the birthday party. Matthew's Dad is very clever with a computer program called Photoshop and he managed to make it so Cuddly Kiwi looked over the heads of the children so he could see the wonderful birthday cake. As you know Matthew is very keen on football (soccer).Our buddy school, Cefn Fforest School in Wales, have just had the last day of their school year- how odd is that! Because it is summer in the northern hemisphere they have their end of the school year now and only a shorter break at Christmas time.

Mr H put together this video of all the things that Cuddly Kiwi has been doing while he has been in Wales. Over the holidays Jordan M is going to take him to Spain. How cool will that be!

Miss K

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Make yourself a mini-me in lego

Miss K found this mini-me lego maker on the internet and thought a few of you may like to have a go at making yourself out of lego. The idea is that you choose your body, clothes, hair, sunglasses, background and everything and then you save it to your desktop and add it to your blog or whatever. (At school you go SHIFT + APPLE + 4). On a PC you go PRT SCRN and press ALT at the same time and copy it into Paint or whatever.

This is the one that I made. Do you think it looks like me?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Our School band Podcast

On the last day of term our band played for us. Miss K made it into a podcast. To hear it click on the photo of the band. The podcast is one minute long and is 6MB big. Remember it is best to listen to it in iTunes so you can listen to it over and over again without having to download it more than once.

Click here to hear the podcast of our band.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Term Three Begins

Have a great third term. I know Jenny has lots of exciting things planned for you this term. You will have a really good time. You will have some catching up to do of all the things that have happened over the holidays.

I wonder if Josh is able to come to school again yet with his plasters on, did Brittany enjoy the All Blacks rugby in Christchurch, it won't be long before Ryan is off to America, Elliott will be able to show you his blog and the animation we made, Kieran will be able to read you about his adventures pig-hunting and his Voki.

Have a great time and let me know what's going on by blogging here and on the Blogmeister blog.

CU Miss K

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Elliott's Own Animation

I am so proud of this animation made in the true spirit of on line collaboration. Elliott recently attended a Waimea South ICT Cluster Lead Kids Day where he, Nicole and Zach learnt how to make animations using Quicktime Pro.

This was all fine and dandy but Elliott doesn't have Quicktime Pro on his computer at home and the school holidays have started. So using his ICT and collaboration skills he has learnt over the last 18 months of being in Moturoa he took 140 or so photos for his animation and emailed them to me in three batches at a fair resolution and I used Quicktime Pro to put them together for him after he had emailed me with instructions of what to do. I emailed him back with two finished videos so he could choose which of the settings he preferred- 2 frames per second or 6. He preferred 6 frames per second. Then I added a copyright free music track and asked his permission to publish it to TeacherTube and here we are.

This could just as easily been done with any collaboration anywhere in the world with fast internet access. I will look forward to more of this sort of thing throughout the term when I am not in class.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Tiny Ted has moved on to Alabama, USA

After leaving us Tiny Ted went to Virginia, USA to spend some time with Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, who took him all around Virginia and New York.Before leaving New York Tiny Ted had a night out on the town at 'On the Ave' a really posh hotel in where he had sushi and fusion foods. Yum!
After leaving New York he moved on to Alabama. First of all he tried to work out what level of computer user he was. I think he is a power user- likes to show other people how to blog, podcast and use 21st century skills. What do you think?
Alabama which is another state in America. First he went to a conference of Alabama educators and they all made a great fuss of him and put him up high so he could get a better view of what was going on.
Tiny Ted tried to help people on their computers when they got stuck but he found he was better at using Apple Computers as he had had most practise on them making podcasts and blogging.
He helped Cathy Gassenheimer encourage teachers to help children learn by leading the Alabama Best Practices Centre.
When he was there he met April Chamberlain. April is going to show him all around Alabama and introduce him to a new classes when the American school year starts again.
Miss K

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A New Way to Add Audio to Our Blog

I just found out how to add audio to our blog. This is the .mp3 file that goes with our latest podcast about the Cross Country at Moturoa- Rabbit Island. To see the enhanced podcast with photos you will need to go to our regular podcasting pages.

I am a bit behind with the publishing our podcasts so will spread them out over the holidays.

Miss K

Miss K has found a new toy for Bloggers

I hope you enjoy this little Web2.0 toy from Voki. With it you make a little avatar (an animated mini-me) and record what you want it to say and put the code into your blog. You would need a microphone to record your voice or it will talk what you type but you will have an American accent.

Also I just noticed that if you hover the mouse over the photo it will follow the mouse around! This would be a fun thing for our class bloggers to try and post on their blogs over the holidays.

Elliott and I have been making an animation over the holidays. Just waiting for Elliott's approval and we can publish it.

Miss K

Cuddly Kiwi enjoys sporting success

Mr H's class made this post on their blog about Cuddly Kiwi's sporting successes. These photos show Cuddly Kiwi with the Under 8 year old Cefn Fforest Soccer Trophy. They forgot to write who is the boy in the photo but I think he is very clever. It is of course Matthew B. Sorry Matthew.

Class 3H star gymnast, Chantelle, took part in a Rotary Club International, Team Gymnastics Competition. It was held at a local Leisure Centre and was a competition for 4 local gymnastics clubs. Chantelle was Team Captain for her club - Cwmcarn (not bad to be captain at 8 years old!!).
Not only did Cwmcarn win the competiton.... but Chantelle was the gymnast with the highest individual score in the competition. She brought the shield that her team won in to show them in an assembly last week.

From Class 3H Cefn Fforest School, Wales