I trust that you have had some great holiday time at some stage during the break.
The highlights of my holiday were introducing relatives from Northern Ireland to some of the attractions that Nelson is most well known for.
We have some exciting learning planned for the term and trust that your child will quickly settle in and enjoy being back at school. I do hope that you will be able to call in at some stage and say hello. If you have any questions or concerns please come in to talk to me about it before it becomes a big issue.
This class is a mixed one of 24 Year Four and Five children with Year Five children also in the mixed Year Five/Six class. It is my expectation that the Year Five children take a leadership role within the class situation.
Our first topic of learning this term is “All Aboard’ where my aim is that the students will develop the understanding, skills and attitudes that enhance interactions and relationships with others. The purpose of this theme is to begin the year by focusing the children on the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that we believe are important factors in setting up the learner, classroom and school for a successful year.
I have a passion for teaching children through ICT and the use of computers. Later in the term I would like to host another parent afternoon in the weekend or in an evening to help you link and learn about some of the tools we are using in the classroom.
We are continuing the class blog that you are reading now! If you make a comment on this blog post you get a chocolate fish! You don't need to register but please identify yourself by your first name so we know where and who you are!
We also make a podcast and it was recently ranked 7th in the world in the K12 (American education classification) area which is quite an achievement. The address for that is on the link bar to your right or you can view some of the shorter podcasts through our school website.
Mrs Pritchard and I are attending an ICT conference for four days in Rotorua in Week Three where I will presenting a workshop on podcasting.
Our classroom email address is on the link to the right also and my home email is allanahk @ hotmail.com if you would like me to pick up an email after school hours.
I would be keen to have your email address also so if you have one could you please email me. If you know of others like grandparents that would like notification of updates to our web page please add their email addresses as well.
The school is changing its policy on the format of homework this year and we will give some more information on that as we settle in.
Mondays are our library book changing day when we get a new set of library books out so please make sure that your child returns their books on that day. Children are encouraged to have three books out at a time as having access to a variety of reading material at home and at school is so important to gaining reading success.
We are fortunate enough to have daily swimming lessons before lunch so children will need to bring togs in a separate plastic bag each day.
I would also like to remind you of our school hat policy of wearing a wide brimmed hat when playing or participating in sports activities.
During the summer terms also it would be nice for children to have an easily accessible drink bottle with a click lid for classroom use but please ensure that the drink is plain water which is better for us and makes less of a mess if it is accidentally spilt.
Thanks for the opportunity to introduce myself and I look forward to meeting more of you at our school ‘Meet the Teacher’ afternoon next week.
Allanah K
Adv Dip Tchg

We have made a really good start to the year.
Miss K
sounds like a really good topic for our class.
By Tyler
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