The coolest thing happened today. Mrs P asked me to lend a hand with her first first lesson using the laptops with her class of new New Entrant five year olds. None had used a laptop before although all had used a computer.

We had to go through the very beginning procedures in how to carry a laptop safely and even how to switch it on and log in to Waimea class.

Although the children are only just beginning to learn how to read they could work out first letters of commands. Our aim was for them to draw with Kid Pix. We let them have a bit of a play and they soon were teaching each other new things that they had learnt in their play time. Even in the first lesson I was able to stand back and let the children teach each other. It was amazing fun for us all.
Miss K
Lucky New Entrants. My first week as a New Entrant was overcoming the terrifying experience of not being able to undo a button fly in time!!( or being able to find the toilet even when it was too late!). Ah, sweet technology. ...and in-class toilets!
Hello Georgie's Mum. To write a comment type in the comment box and then write your name and click on Anonymous and then publish. Miss K
miss king what a lovely face you have there you are going to be a pro soon at that
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