We flew over Wellington. You can see the Wellington stadium in the photo. We were a long way up!
Here is a photo of me by the entrance to the area. There were lots of geysers. The whole town of Rotorua smells like sulphur.
I went inside a whare with Tiny Ted and showed him all the carvings. Each carving shows an ancestor. Tiny Ted thought the carvings were magnificent.
After that we looked at the mudpools. This area looked like a whole lot of mini-plopping volcanoes with boiling mud and steam coming up out of the ground.
Then we went on to Pohutu geyser. I took a couple of good videos but haven’t got the time to upload them. I will show you them when I get back. When the geyser went off you could feel the ground rumbling underneath your feet. It was spectacular and we were really pleased that we had the time to do a tourist thing before the computer conference started.
In the evening all 1500 teachers at the conference went to a meeting and Jennifer Corriero, a lady from Canada, spoke to us about a youth web site called Taking it global. It was very interesting and I will have more of a look at it when I get home.
I haven’t had time to make a podcast yet although I have made some recordings.
Be good. Leave me some comments so I know you have seen the blog.
What did you think of the podcast with Jessica?
Miss K
Hi Miss K and Mrs P glad to see that you got to Rotorua safe and sound. It is amazing that someone recognised Tiny Ted from his blog entries, he is obviously becoming quite a star!!!! Have a great time at the conference we look forward to hearing all of your news.
Mr H and Class 3H Cefn Fforest
to miss k we are having a good time love to see you on monday how is the computer ict meeting
the hole class says hi
from your year 5 Brittany
bommmmmmm bommmmm
I wonder if tiny ted got scared or was he he tufff
I wonder if you miss k was scared
soooooooooooooooooooooo scared
moutra room brittany!!!!
hi how is it in rotoura we love mr b in our class room
our class
Miss King, Aren't you lucky to have such a great time on school business. You could write great travel guide books with no problem. Our school conferences are always very dull and in boring locations! Well done and good luck.
Alix (Elliott's aunt in Belgium)
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