I am in Auckland in an internet cafe. It is full of Asian boys all playing World of Warcraft. The Blogger instructions are all written in Chinese so I am clicking from memory!!! I am here for the Teacher's Ulearn Conference. It took us four hours to get from the airport to our hotel. I even had time to get out and take photos as the place was gridlocked.

The conference is at the Sky Tower.

AS I was having a cup of coffee guess who I noticed was stowing away in my handbag- Mini-Dylan.

Seeing he was here I decided to take him to Kelly Tarlton's underwater world to learn more about Antarctica and penguins!

In Kelly Tarlton's there is a replica (fake) Captain Scott's Hutt.

They have this really cool live penguin exhibit that we could view from underneath.

All of these penguins were real. There were heaps.

We could see the Sky Tower way in the distance.

Mini-Dylan was a bit frightened by the giant stingray.

There was even sharks in the tank.

This crab would have made a tasty treat.

These crayfish- even better!!

They had a fish just like Nemo.

And a piranha- can you see his teeth?

At the gift shop Mini-Dylan saw something that reminded him of Cuddly Kiwi in Wales.

After that we went up the Sky Tower for a view of all of Auckland.

by Miss K
Hi Moturoa, I teach a class of Year 4 students in Greytown, Wairarapa. Well most of the time they teach me! We are an hour over the hill from Wellington.
You are so lucky to have a great teacher like Mrs K. I was at her workshop at the Ulearn07 conference and she showed me how to add some bling to my blog.
I have set up our class blog and on Monday I will set about getting the class involved.
Which of the add new elements did you use to add your own blogs?
Mrs M
Hi Moturoa, It's Mrs Jamieson from Pongakawa School. I went to one of Miss K's workshops too, all about podcasting. It's all so exciting. We now have a class wiki too, http://pongakawaschoolroom10.wikispaces.com/
I look forward to reading more of your work this term.
Mrs J.
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