"Okay," we all said and went to pack. We went to D'urville Island. On the first day we just went snorkling and dad went diving. But on the next day it was way more exciting. We went trolling for the big fish. We only caught baracudas. On the way home dad said, "Let's do some trolling". When we were nearly home, when one of the rods screamed. "That sounds like a kingi".
I grabbed the rod and frantically started winding. As the fish got closer and closer it got harder and harder. When we could see it got so hard he was dragging me out of the boat. Then Dad had to take over. Dad had to let out line. After a grunty 10 minute battle we hoisted a 15kg kingi. We were talking so much about the kingi that we didn't notice that we were driving home. Zoe Zach and I were tired when we got home. The cats were there to greet us. We went into our cosey bed.
That is a big kingi fish caleb
by Ysosella
Wow caleb
Mrs King.
I wanted to thank you and your classroom for our wonderful, wonderful learning experience this afternoon. Nick who was shown Pivot was absolutely thrilled with the experience as I was. I have never really considered Skyping with another class but suddenly it seems to be a hugely moving and motivating experience. My students were so excited they could hardly contain themselves! (Hopefully you didn't hear me talking to them a bit sternly at one point!). This has been an absolute highlight of the term and a wonderful experience. We can't wait to share our Pivots with you.
Thank you so much for a wonderful 'IT' moment!
Mr Webb and Room 8, Melville Intermediate, Hamilton, Waikato.
It was a great weekend away in the boat. We also saw a pod of huge killer whales up close in the crystal clear water.
From Debbie
there were about 17 killer whales with us up in the sounds about a week before that
from Caleb
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