Tiny Ted went over the bay to Kaiteriteri yesterday. The weather was not quite warm enough for swimming but it was OK. In the background you can see some kids on a biscuit. A biscuit is where someone tows a big rubber ring behind a speedboat a bit like a water-ski and kids sit in the ring and scream and yell as the boat pulls them around. It is lots of fun.

On the way home we stopped off at Jester House to feed the eels. Miss K put me beside the water for a photo and an eel thought I was food and came right out of the water and made a grab at me! I was scared and told Miss K to get me out of there- quick! Click on the photo to get a bigger sized version.

For those that are interested Miss K made this clever photo using Scrapblog- a free on-line website that lets you add borders, text, stickers and the like to your photos.
hi moturoa!!!
cute teddy.
hope you guys have a good day.
Hi there Tiny Ted looks to have had a narrow escape!!!!! We hope that your Irish visitors are having a fabulous time in Nelson, and that your mum is enjoying having Ted to visit.
Best Wishes
Mr H and Class 3H
Thanks for the Snap and Scrapblog links - great for adding bling to blogs!!!!!!!!! (lol) Mr H
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