We enjoyed planting our shrubs and will look after them well. First we had to get the shovel and dig a hole then we cut the plastic off the plant. After we tickled the roots means so the roots had a chance to grow before we put it in the hole. Once it was in the hole we filled it with dirt to the top and patted it down with our feet. We will water them every day unless it rains so the rain can do it for us and some sunshine and they will grow big.
By Jessica and Lara

Gosh! You will be 28 years old then. I wonder what you will be doing? Your children could be coming to school. You could be principal yourself OR ??????????
It was really fun Gloria
You get a chocolate fish too, Leanne.
I think the trees will grow big and tall by the weeks!!! by Sam j.
I hope that the shrubs will grow huge so we can say 'I planted that tree'!! Jamie.m
I'm pleased you all had fun planting those shrubs. Don't forget to look after them and not tromple them when you are running around and then all of your children will be able to enjoy them when they are at Appleby School in Miss Kings class!
Only 8 comments posted!
Looks like I get to swim around for another couple of days!!
I think I will be a hundred years old by the time that happens. Imagine Miss K teaching children of children at Appleby now. That would be just too scary to think about.
Miss K
Hi Great to see you all helping the environment and making Appleby School and greener place. I will be coming in to see you all soon, so you can show me where you planted the shrubs.
It was fun planting the srubswe could put rocks (with are names on it)on the side of are srubs so in 20 years people would find the rocks and know we planted one of the srubs.
by Jackson p
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