Here is what Holly wrote on a Google Doc and shared with me...
Hi my name is Ronald. My eyes are brown and googly. I have ears and they are big and round. My nose is big and triangle. My mouth is big with sharp teeth. My body is long and skinny. My feet are long and square.My claws are sharp and long. I have some horns on top of my head. I have a huge tail that goes for a year of running. I live in the sea and on land. I love lollies and sweet things but I hate vegetables. I have no enemies so I love people. I eat leaves and twigs. I get food by swimming and fighting. I am very silly but hey why not be my friend for sometimes.

Spore is a big hit with everyone. Allanah needed some help from Maxwell who is a master of Spore!! Thanks Maxwell
I love playing it and the one that is made is mine
Wow, I also like spore and I have it on my computer. How many spores have you got?
spore looks quite fun to play i would like to play it. can you move around on spore.
That would be awesome if i had it i might buy because it looks super awesome thanks for telling us.
Hi guys! Looks like that all of you had lots of fun with it. I wish that we had one but we have different ones.
You are all so lucky!!!
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