Monday, March 31, 2014

Exploring and Sharing

We started off the day reading the comments that people have left on the blog. Thank you people- they are much appreciated.

Today we began looking at a new app- Book Creator. I have the paid for version but you can also download a free version in which you can only make one book.

If I could only have one app on my iPad it would be this one. It has such potential for writing and sharing.

I showed the boys the very basics and let them explore adding images, video, photos, writing freehand, typing and adding audio to add as much as they could on one cover page.

I was also very proud of Zane who took it upon himself to show his classmates how to use Tellagami.

To share the app I used to mirror my iPad onto my laptop which was then projected onto the home class display screen.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Writing inside the Tellagami App

We used some of the backgrounds that we could write on in Tellagami and we made the app do the talking.

This one is by Riley and Jack

This one is by Ethan. We thought we had lost his story but Allanah found it. Yay.

This last one is by Matthew.


We would love to hear your feedback in the comments.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Picasso Head

Today in Dobbie's class we looked at Picasso and digital ways of making a Picasso head.

We used the Picassohead web site.

After that we blogged the picture.

Ethan's War Story

Last week Ethan made a cool war story and we thought we would publish here on its own.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Getting Tellagami to do the talking

Today we looked at the text to speech function of Tellagami. The boys could write about the storm or something of their choice if they wanted. It was great fun experimenting with the voices.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 03, 2014

Choosing our own story topics

Today we chose our own image backgrounds to write about by searching in Google Images- and saving them on the iPads by pressing and holding the image and saving it to the Camera Roll. We also finished some of our recordings from last week.

Here are some others.....

  1. Hawks
  2. Motorcross
  3. Minecraft #1
  4. Minecraft #2