We started making our poi on Friday and today we helped Kahurangi make theirs.

The key competency we are focussing on this term is
Participating and Contributing. This was a great activity to bring out that part of learning. To make our four plait poi we HAD to all participate- if one person didn't do their bit the poi wouldn't get finished. We did a great job and all our poi look very professional.
Now we have to work together and learn how to use them. Zoe S is a poi making machine!
Thanks to the great instructional videos from Melville Intermediate in Hamilton we have now got out poi made and are ready to start to learn some basic poi moves.
Thank you
Room Eight at Melville Intermediate in Hamilton.
Kia ora
It looks like you guys were having so much fun. At our school we are also learning how to make poi and learn how to speak a little bit of Maori.
Ka kite ano
From Georgia, Libby and Hannah D of Springston School
Loved the video and are going to show it in class tomorrow morning! Kids will love it thanks so much for sharing and the interaction!
Hello my name is Fauiki, I was one of the Girls who made the Poi Videos. room8 saw your video and it awesome hope to hear from you again bye.
Fauiki Room8 Melville intermediate Hamilton
Hi my name is Annalize. Me and my friend Holly made one of the poi videos. Thank you for trying it, you made fantastic poi. Thank you for showing other people how to make poi too. Annalize and Holly , Melville Intermediate school, Hamilton,New Zealand.
Hi its me Rachael I liked how you made the pois I thought that they were awesome u all did a great job with the poi moves. thankyou so much for makeing the pois from the room 8 how to make pois vidieos.
Room 8,
Melville intermediate.
Hi guys
It's frances from Mr Lambies class in 2009
Your things look really cool
At prep we do German,maths, English,Textiles,drama,scince,music and art. my favourite is drama because you get to be stuff like today i was a shower.
See YA BYE :)
It is great to know that you are still looking at our blog and following along with us even though you are at prep now.
You do a lot of interesting things at prep. I hope you didn't get wet when you were a shower.
In my new job I get to come to Prep. I will come and see you when I am there.
Miss King
Wow you are brilliant. We might try to copy you. Would it be too hard for a Year 2/3 class?
After we had done it ourselves we helped the Year Threes make their poi too.
We had to work together in threes- one to hold the wool we had tied around the dacron filling and the other two to do the plaiting.
We did the four plait- each child holds two strands of wool. One child changes the wool horizontally and the other vertically and it goes really well.
When we get to the end of the wool we tie it off, then cover the dacron with half of a plastic shopping bag and tie it off with a bit of cellotape.
Easy as!
Allanah K
Hi it's Kealan from Savvy7 and you guys did a good job!
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