I really enjoyed going to the ski Fields and doing rails, it was sunny all the days sometimes fog in the valley. The car broke down so we had to hire a van.
This is what I did in the first week of the holidays

This is Snowpark.

Practising my jumps.

Landed it!

Getting more air this time.

Going up with Blake.

We stayed on for night boarding. I was the last off the mountain having the last run of the day.
You can see the snow guns making snow.
You caught some stunning jumps. You are very skilled at snowboarding. Is it hard to learn? I did go skiing once by crashed into the side of the skifield and needed help to stand up again so I went and sat down in the cafe.
I should have got up and tried again.
See you on Friday.
Hi it's Kealan from Savvy7 and that was amazing! good on you.
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