Today Mini-Dylan and I went sight-seeing. We visited a real New Zealand castle. It was interesting to look around inside and imagine how the people lived when the place was new. If we lived closer it would have been a great place for a school trip to learn more about how people lived in the old days.

Today's question is, 'What is the name of the castle?'

Allanah liked these white geese at the castle. They quacked all around the place and played in the fountain.
Larnach Castle in Dunedin-BELLA
Looking forward to the continued adventures, I do know the answer to the castle question because when I went to parliament earlier this year we were shown a place that had a connection! Congratulations on your sits nomination for the Interface awards as well!
Melville Intermediate, Hamilton.
I don't think my comment went through yesterday - Larnach Castle Dunedin -BELLA
Are you having a nice holiday Ms King your castle is called "Larnach Castle" you have taken some cool photo's, I am very jealous about the hot pools.
did Shaun or I win???
Hey Bella and Shaun
I think you can both have a prize cos you are trying hard to find the answers.
One more quiz to go.
Allanah K
Thanks for your encouragement. We hope we win.
Allanah K
what are you going to name those fellows?
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