My dog Lilly had 6 dachshund puppies and all of them are black and tan. All of Lilly's puppies' eyes are closed. That is because they were born on the 5 of October and they are still very little.

This is me holding two of them. We love to have them but I miss Lilly in the lounge. We keep them in the laundry because it is warm and Lilly chose the cupboard to have her puppies..
I think your puppies are gorgeous. The look all fat and round and shiny.
I can't wait to see them when they are bigger.
Allanah K
Yes you can see them when they are bigger.Because I just asked her and she said I can bring them to school.
I need to feed Lilly now!!!
Well we have a Dachshund called lily-bean. The Dachs bit means badger and they were originally bred to get out badgers. When she was a puppy she chewed up a lot of shoes, togs, undies etc. She even chewed our spa pool cover. They say that Dachshund are quite hard to train but lily-bean is pretty good most of the time ;-). We hope that Bella's family enjoy having the puppies. What a great way to start the term with puppy post.
My brother's dachshund Mikey ate a hole in the bottom of mums new boots so now we call him Michael shoe snacker!!!
ps have you bred your dachshund???
Hi miss K mum just said I can bring The Wii to school today so is that alroight with you???I am packing it up right now.
Your puppy's are soooooo qute bella
cute puppie
peter h
me and my friend are by the compter and looking at your cute puppies I have a dog to this is my schools blog
www.middlevas.blogspot.com my name is Emma bye bye
Hi I love dogs and those are some cute little puppies. I've got a labradoodle shes a cross between a labrador and a poodle.shes caqlled Meg but shes desexed.I'm called Ella and i'm from victoria ave primary school.If you want to go on our blog heres the adress.
Ella b
Hi I love puppies and i'm from victoria ave school
this is our blog adress
Ella B
Bella we have not bred lily-bean because we live in town and did not really have a good environment for the puppies to grow up in. We wanted to a bit. Because lily-bean is a girl we thought we needed to be more prepared. I would have liked her to have some puppies.We have taught her to shake hands though. She is a Chocolate and tan.
Wow Bella you are very lucky!! Those puppies are sooo cute! Are you allowed to keep any? Frankie Moomoo is going to be a dad next year too! I am very excited.
I hope all is well at Appleby School. I miss you all :)
Miss Brydon
NO mum said Dino and I are not allowed to Keep any that is not feair is it Miss Brydon.
I would have to agree with you Bella heehee :)
Miss Brydon
the puppies are gorgeous.
bella i wish i could have one of your dachshund puppies but my mum probably wont let me. they are so cute. by skye.
They are so cute will you bring them to pet day?
by Alex
The puppies were so cute.
AWWW!!! Your puppies are so cute Bella
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