As well as using our maths problem solving wiki I will throw in some games to practice play at home.
The first game will be... Rogo.
The aim of Rogo is to collect as many rewards as possible while taking a route of the given number of squares, returning to your starting point.
- You can start on any square, with or without a reward on it.
- You may move vertically or horizontally, but not diagonally.
- You may not step on the black squares.
- You must return to your starting point.
- You may visit the same square once only.
These are the puzzles we are going to have a go at today.

Hi Moturoa's Blog
Your Rogo Maths Problems look very interesting. I think I will have a go at these with my class too.
I will check back to see how everyone got on and for some hints and tips.
Miss Docherty and the Brilliant Bloggers (Scotland)
Ewan thought that the game was cool because it was really challenging and we like to be challenged and we like a bit of an adventure when we learn.
Ewan, Charlie
rogo rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from ike(isaac):)
I printed this and showed this to my family.Zahra
rogo is great fun georgia.
I enjoyed playing Rogo on the ipad
I printed this and showed it to my family.Zahra
I like the Rogo Maths Problems. Quinten
Hi Muturoa's,
I am studying at uni to be a teacher and I really like your rogo game. I had a go at all the examples and eventually found the high score. I'm going to tell all my class, where we are learning about teaching maths, about your blog. Good luck everyone.
Ms Hughes
PS. What do you do when you go sea biscuiting? Are they shellfish, maybe like pippies?
When we go sea biscuiting we get dragged behind a boat on a biscuit. The biscuit looks like a circle blow up cookie.
Isaac's biscuit can hold six kids or four grown ups.
I am Dr Nicola Petty and I am one of the inventors of Rogo. We think it is very exciting that you are using our puzzle. If you make up a new one and want to know if you have found the best route, you can send it to us and we will check it for you. Our email address is
Keep having fun!
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