We are part of the collaborative global project
Hands Around the World. The idea is that we all send in a decorated hand template showing some of the highlights of living in Nelson or NZ. These hands are then given to lots of different schools around the world. In return we will get lots of hands sent to us from all over the planet. What a simple yet fun project to link children and schools globally! These are some of the hands that we finished today ready for posting.

Our world is in the hands of the children. It is the children who will nurture our planet and make it a better place.
Miss K
Hi Allanah and Moturoa - our hands are finished ready for posting as well - wouldn't it be weird if we got your hands and you got ours.... watch this space.
Mr H and Class 3H
Hands look really great. I wonder how many countries you will receive hands from?
Mrs Lines
Brightwater School
This looks like a great project. I hope you are having fun. My kids are working on answers to the questions you have posted on our blog. We will post answers soon. I hear you are practicing your American Accents. That sounds interesting. Did you know that America has many different accents? If you listen to me and my classtalk it will most likely sound different than your friend in Virginia or someone as close to us as New York City. In the mid west and deep south they also have different accents. Even Boston Massachusets has its own accent. I am not sure which is truly an American Accent. It is interesting to think about. Have fun
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