
Tuesday, November 06, 2012


Today we are going to look at some fun spelling activities.

In this first we site you type in your word and then chase the letters around with your mouse.

In this next activity you roll a dice for your word and do what it says.

Roll a word
We can also use Spellosaur on Allanah's iPads and iPod Touch.



  1. Love hearing about your spelling programme. When it is a sunny day I like to do my spelling programme outside, we do skip and spell, where you have to spell your word out for each turn of the rope. Race to spell, all your spelling words are cut up on card, you race to the bucket one by one to find your letters and then bring them back to make your words. We also do invisible spelling with water on the concrete, you have to write all your words before the first one disappears as it evaporates.

  2. Love hearing about your spelling programme. When it is a sunny day I like to do my spelling programme outside, we do skip and spell, where you have to spell your word out for each turn of the rope. Race to spell, all your spelling words are cut up on card, you race to the bucket one by one to find your letters and then bring them back to make your words. We also do invisible spelling with water on the concrete, you have to write all your words before the first one disappears as it evaporates.

  3. Thank you Mrs Brown for your ideas.

    I will add to them to my spelling tool box.



  4. Thanks for sharing. Have dowloaded the spelling app... Here is our class blog ...
    Mrs Morris from Sanderson Whanau


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