
Monday, September 17, 2012

Moturoa Monday

Today we are going to have some fun with our writing. This is a Random Story Starter. You can try your own or I will give you some random starters

Here is Marcus' story starter- 'Write a birthday party invitation for a depressed gorilla who races go-karts.'

Here is what Marcus wrote- 'I can't wait  until Jeff the gorilla gets my birthday invitation. He is really good a go-kart racing. He will be so happy because he is so depressed at the moment. His life is practically over so that's why he's coming and we are going go-karting to cheer him up.

Later in the day we are going to be learning all about bees- we are going to 'bee' using these resources...

Connected 2012

Bee Movie

Bee body parts

Hexagon Template

Hunter used the bee body parts Google Drawing that I had made to label the bee body parts.

Arthur did the same. They both did very well to log in to Google apps, copy the drawing file, label the drawing correctly and share it back with Allanah.

Here is Brooke's image too.

For news we structured our news with three frame story telling. Here is Anna's story.

And here is Sam's table tennis storytelling event.

Harrison has a broken arm so he got to use the iPad all day to do his work on. He liked that idea.

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